Monday 19 February 2018

Life – Why Do I Need A Coach?

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” – Aristotle

personal coaching

Feeling “stuck” is natural. Everyone goes through it at one time or another.

For some it may feel like you’ve always been ‘stuck’….nothing lights you up.

Even if you’ve done great things so far….what’s going to happen now? What’s going to be your Second Act (or Third)?

While your family, friends and acquaintances may offer advice, nothing seems to ring true.  Add in all those inner voices of self-doubt and self-criticism and before you know it yet another year has gone by and you still haven’t made any progress.

What’s going on here?

It’s called dissonance.  You’re off course.  You’re not honoring your core values.
When you do, when you live your values, life ‘flows’ – there’s resonance.  We’ve all seen those people – they seem to have found their ‘calling’.  They’re beaming.

You want that too!

How do you get there?  It starts with discovering who you really are.  Digging deep. Determining YOUR core values.

With the help of personal coaching, you’ll not only define what really matters to you, you’ll also develop goals and take actions to get you there.  One foot in front of the other – a life coach, your secret weapon, your confidential partner - by your side through it all.

We all get around 30,000 mornings – give or take.

Make the most of yours.  Find your calling!

Meet your success coach at : “”

Thursday 15 February 2018

“That Somber Feeling of Being Lost, Unfulfilled...”

Do you feel like that? ‘Stuck’ in life? Directionless?

Nothing seems to resonate for you?

This happens to many of us at one time or another.

Even if you’ve been wildly ‘successful’ in the past, you may be at a loss as to what to do with yourself now.

Life Coaching

Nothing fires you up.  Nothing ‘pulls’ you the way it used to.

You KNOW there’s something off – something missing, something inside you not being fed.

"Most Men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them” - Henry David Thoreau.

What’s long forgotten in your heart?

What dream is buried within.

Don’t waste another day, another week, another year….

Let’s discover your ‘song’….that part of you that’s whispering (maybe even screaming) for attention.

Working with an experienced, confidential, professionally trained Life Coach Malibu you can discover what’s missing, set goals and take steps to reach them.

We all get 30,000 mornings – give or take.  You can probably figure out how many you may have left.

Take on fresh perspectives, tame your saboteurs, get out of your comfort zone and grow. Become. Make every day matter.


Visit, reach out for life coaching  - and let’s get started!